Hi! Welcome to Brooklyn and Boy – a home for many musings, a few recommendations, and lots of inspiration on career, style, marriage, and travel. I hope you stay and chat!
4 years ago, I got engaged and moved in with my Boy – in Brooklyn. A born and raised Californian and then a self-proclaimed Manhattanite, this big life change set in motion a phase in my life all about re-discovering myself, navigating through marriage and the many questions that come with it (that I am certain – here’s hoping! – other people face), and building a sustainable and fulfilling career. And of course, finally having the means to travel a bunch and invest in a wardrobe that is equal parts function and fashion. I don’t claim to know everything about Brooklyn or Boys, but the intersection of both in my life set off a ton of inspiration and discussion that I am hoping to create a community around.
And why now? Well I quit my job 4 years after I got engaged and moved in with my Boy – which happens to bring me to this very moment that I type this out (if we are being specific, I quit my job 3 months ago, but it took me 3 months to muster the courage to put this all somewhere real).
So follow along brooklynandboy or stay and chat!